absolutely homogeneous temperature distribution
very low energy consumption
exact reproduction of the debinding process
shortest debinding process
Technical Data:
Setting volume 0,5 – 2,5 m3
Debinding temperature 450 °C
Temperature TNV 800°C
Debinding cycles 12 - 96 h
A sophisticated supervision and regulation guarantees to reduce an oxygen content, which avoids production of inflammable mixture 100% tly. The commonly used debinding chambers are working with a very high amount of air, which prevents the inception of explosive mixture. The stream of air consists of 100% gas exhaust from the TNV air.
The Grün debinding chamber offers following advantages:
For the debinding process and thermal after burning no additional energy is required. The debinding process itself generates all energy required.
With a very low exhaust air the emission units for the TA air are very low
Thrifty debinding process through an excellent temperature evenness and regulation accuracy leads to shortening of debinding cycles.