Tile Stove

  • extremely durable kiln lining

  • wear free door seal

  • automatic car transport

  • outstanding temperature balance

Technical data:

  • Setting volume 12 m3

  • Firing temperature 1200 °C

  • Firing cycle 18 h

  • Temperature balance ± 5 K

The shuttle kiln is closed on face end by swinging door. A wear-free door seal guarantees 100 % sealing of the lifting doors with the kiln casing.

The kiln, kiln car and setting geometry have been defined to ensure optimum temperature balance in the shortest firing cycles. Firing gaps are left between the ware stocks as well as between the ware stocks and the door. The burners arranged in these gaps are combined to form temperature control groups. The temperature control of each and every firing gap guarantees temperature balance despite any variations in the setting weight.

The firing cars ester and exit the kiln as a train. It is possible to operate the kiln with two cars in a shuttle system. The ware would then be loaded and unloaded to the left and right of the kiln. If the kiln is operated continuously, a dryer can be installed directly upstream of the kiln abs the waste heat from kiln utilized.